22nd Hungarian Origami Convention - Budapest 2011

We kindly invite you to the 22nd Hungarian Origami Convention
from the 5th to the 7th of August 2011
Special guest: Grzegorz Bubniak from Poland
Venue: MPTA Student Hotel, 1121 Budapest, Eötvös út 35.(North Buda)
Participation fee: 4.800 HUF/person
(for members of the Hungarian Origami Society: 3.800 HUF/person)
Program: detailed program will be sent after registration-deadline.
Welcome facultative program:
on Thursday, the 4th of August in the afternoon, there will be a sightseeing tour in Budapest city followed by a barbecue party (for extra fee)
Student hotel rooms with 1-2 beds and bathroom (There is a 3 starred hotel in 10 minutes’ walk)
Please register on-line or download the REGISTRATION FORM at www.ori-gami.hu
Please send the registration form via e-mail to mariann.villanyi@gmail.com, or by post to Magyar Origami Kör, 1025 Budapest, Cseppkő u. 39.,or by fax to +36-1-325-76-53
Further information:
Mariann Villányi: mariann.villanyi@gmail.com tel:+36-20-941-62-69
Detailed program:
Thursday in the afternoon: sightseeing and barbecue party
Friday: arrivals, registration, installation of the exhibitions, facultative folding, opening ceremony at 6 p.m. with Japanese art demo (furoshiki, kimono, calligraphy)
Saturday: workshops, shopping, raffle, general assembly
Sunday: workshops
Villányi Mariann: mariann.villanyi@gmail.com, tel: +36-20-941-62-69
Csatolmány | Méret |
ori_mok2011invitation.doc | 270.5 kB |
ori_mok2011registrationform.doc | 139 kB |
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