31st International and National Origami Meeting - 2020. Pécs - CANCELLED

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31st International and National Origami Meeting - 2020. Pécs - CANCELLED

This event is CANCELLED.

We would like to invite you to Pécs in the second weekend of August (6th-9th) for our 31st National and International Origami Convention. It takes place again in Miroslav Krleža Croatian School (7624 Pécs, Szigeti Avenue 97.), where would be your accommodation (3 beds rooms with bathroom).

Our special guests are going to be four members of the Croatian Origami Society. They are:

Katarina Potaček,
Igor Petlevski,
Želimir Zlatić
Sanja Srbljinović Čuček

The program starts on 6th of August (Thursday) at 6 pm, with a surprise dinner. On Friday you can discover the PécsiZoo, from this afternoon the Convention and folding runs until Sunday afternoon.

Please send the application form back until 15th of July 2020 for the following address: rkegyesulet (@) gmail dot com

We know: to apply to this Meeting is short but here in Hungary only a week ago that all restrictions were lifted, giving us a free flag to hold the meeting.

Additional information, in case if you have questions:

- technical questions: Judit Sági +36 30 901 32 54, sagi dot judit (@) gravirtechnika dot hu

- questions about accommodation/meals: Zsuzsa Molnár +36 20 434 90 21, rkegyesulet (@) gmail dot com

2020. augusztus 6. 18.00 - 2020. augusztus 9. 14.00
Rendezvény jellege: 
Rendezvénysorozat cím: 
Országos Origami Találkozó
om_application_form_2020.doc724 kB


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